Welcome to the digital repository of the Knowledge & Innovation Community of the Municipality of Piraeus.
In this section, you will find material related to the Blue Economy.

In the electronic repository section, you can read and download all the educational and research materials related to the Blue Economy.
By registering, you will be given the opportunity to contribute your own educational and research material to be evaluated by the KICS team and added to the electronic repository.
To gain this ability, you need to be a registered user. After your registration is confirmed by the KICS team, please log in and upload your material for evaluation by filling out all the fields in the form.
In the electronic repository section, you can read and download all the educational and research material related to the Blue Economy.
By registering, you will have the ability to contribute your own educational and research material for evaluation by the KICS team and for inclusion in the electronic repository.
To gain this capability, you need to be a registered user. After your registration is confirmed by the KICS team, please <u>log in and upload your material for evaluation by completing all the fields in the form.</u>